I've not been in your shoes but just from reading others' experiences, I would first bring your concern to the school that a psych you contacted is concerned about 2E issues given the spread in scores so that you can find out if they are receptive to an outsider's opinions. Some districts have an approved list of psychs they will believe - thinking that IQ scores can be purchased I guess. If they are fine w/ the person you've spoken with, I say the more data the better if DC is willing. Now if they won't accept info from an outsider, it's your choice. IF you want the info for your own knowledge about your child, then go for it. if your school has someone they prefer, talk to that person and see what he/she makes of the WISCIV spread.

SBV could show different results. I've read that the WISCIV is for more verbal kids and SBV for more mathy kids and/or kids who have timer anxiety.