I agree with you that in my experience, it's the "brick and mortar" kids who are more likely to learn nothing in school. It only stands to reason: my home-schooled child has an IEP automatically! smile

To tell you the truth, I think I test him all the time--assuming testing is anything you do to see if a kid really "gets it." That's a big reason why I'm not fired up about doing another achievement test. I don't need to test him to see if he's advancing in math and reading and social studies--I know he is because I'm watching him do it. I even see the change in his handwriting and artwork. Down the line a bit, when I'm not having to be quite so hands-on with his education, I could see needing the testing. But I don't feel that it's a need right this second.

In our state (OH), we are required to give an end of the year test or else to have our home-schooling portfolio reviewed. We're going with the test because I want DS to have more test-taking practice and because it's less work for me. (Lazy mom...That should really be my screenname!) wink

I'm not sure what test I am required to give him, but obviously it's going to be some sort of grade-based achievement test. I don't expect it to go above grade level, so I don't think it will be very useful for my purposes. But you never know. Maybe they'll surprise me... (Not likely!)
