We didn't skip DS6.2 because A) he wasn't reading before K and B) I also heard it might be better to skip 1st because K is more free play and he is a bouncy boy, youngish for his grade. His LOG is unclear to all involved because of conflicting scores. We have the option to skip 1st this year after the 1st trimester but will probably not because he still isn't reading yet. I'm not sure why the school doesn't seem to think that is a big deal, I think they believe he will be caught up within the next half year, but we haven't ruled out 2E issues. I'm homeschooling him over the summer with an English phonemic awareness program designed for dyslexics, which our experts believe will catch him up regardless of the underlying reason for him not reading (dyslexia, dual language learning, asynchrony, lack of explicit/systematic English instruction etc.).

The problem is that he is the first one done with his work, it's always done well, and he has been goading his K teacher into giving him harder work. He already knows/intuits most of the 2nd grade curriculum in math, for example. He is tall, social, and coordinated in sports so it would seem natural to skip him, but until he's reading in both languages it doesn't make sense to me. The 2nd grade is with 3rd grade in his school, so that may be the time to skip him.

A lot of writing to say that I relate to what you're going through EastNWest. When I posted my first frantic plea for help on this site Shari asked me "What does your mommy gut say?" I try to check in with my instincts along the way, as well as how my son feels about things.

There have been more responses during the time I took to post this, my son is also in a French immersion program and we don't speak French at home, and have intentionally not exposed him to English phonics to this point. He is about average in French in his class, as well as on his English achievement test.