My DS16 is very dependent on his blackberry. The calendar and priority list app makes a world of difference. He seems to find difficulty with learning new concepts especially if it requires significant time on task. We have a tutor show him once, one on one, and he manages fine afterwards.

We tried meds for a year and a half now. My son claims it makes a huge difference for him and he seems less fustrated.

The last year for us was a combination of OE, teen hormones, and ADHD issues. I must have screened a handful of adolescent psychiatrist before I found one who understood both ADHD, hypersensitivity, and gifted issues.

Another problem was he never had to work until last year as the primary school didnt push at all, so it was a huge shock when he hit high school.

I had the same feeling when my son entered middle school. He had to learn to study. That is where we were getting the strangest grades - high 90s or 60s, nothing in the 70s to 80s range.

Next year, my son will be a junior and I'm thinking about getting an accomodation for him to use the laptop for notetaking and writing. His typing speed is around 75wpm and tends loose his thoughts with pencil and paper...