When ds7 was 4 years old (1 year from entering K), he was reading at around 1st grade level. We were worried so we went to our public school's open house to see if we can talk to any teacher. So we walked into K classroom and explained our situation to the K teacher, she said they always keep their kids together and they would never subject accelerate any K kids. Then we walked into 1st grade class. DS was very interested in their books. He took a book and sat down to read quietly. We were the only parents in that classroom, so we started talking to the teacher about DS. She said they probably will not be able to cater to kids that advanced. She also said to watch how his math level was like in a year. If his math level was also a couple grades above K in a year, we will have to look for some other schools.

After one year, DS's reading level was up to 2nd grade and his math level was at around 2nd grade also.

So we went to a charter school for K and 1. Next year, we will have to start homeschooling. There is a private gifted school nearby. However, even if we spend the money to send him to private school, I don't think private school will be a best fit for ds.

This is my first contact experience with schools. I know many people in this forum has good luck with their public schools. Most schools in my area has gifted coordinator onsite to deal with and provide challenging curriculum for advanced kids. Call the school and talk to the principal and gifted coordinator see what they would do for advanced kids in K.
