can you give me an idea of a puzzle book like that. We don't have any.

Also i really appreciated your story and saw a lot of "me" in it. I went to school smelling like cigarette smoke, wasn't very pretty mostly because my hair was cut close to my head to be "easier" on my mother, did my homework in a hovel of a big mess with fights raging, etc. But somehow i got through it and will never forget when they called my name in fifth grade to participate in a gifted program. I remember seeing my fifth grade teacher peering at the list and then calling my name and was just shocked. I knew just what it wss all about, though i was only a little better than average with achievement at that point. My parents were so determined to get me out of the house that they started me in kindergarden early so i was the youngest by far in my grade.. We were in the middle of moving so they let me start school for one day in the district that had a later cutoff, then moved me to the new district which had to allow it since i had started already..So it must have been an aptitude test since i was so young don't think it could have been achivement test. . And with some bumps in the road i did rise above it all (though my family thinks I'm "uppity").. I dont' remember feeling that the other kids were in there were not deserving, but looking back they were all the rich , right-side-of-the-tracks types. And at least one was almost 2 years older due to red-shirting.
