I wish I had Grade-Skipping available to me. My "C" was able to do all the 2nd Grade Math in 1rst Grade, and was sent to second Grade during her 1rst Grade for "Reading Counts". If it is available to you, and you can skipp, AND have someone at home to assist in the event it's too "above" for your child...go for it. I am in Florida, and skipping is no longer an option. My child is getting testet for the "Gifted Program" starting in 3rd Grade. The test she has to undergo is nowhere to be found online. Frustrating. However, do you have dual-enrollment available in your State once your child is 15/16? KEEP them occupied ,is my solution. With a good balance of FUN stuff, once home...so they don't get burned out,we should succeed. Besides, I am from Germany, and guess what: when we graduate at 18 from HS, we already have our "Abitur" wich equals largly an AA Degree.
Peer pressure, you are going to have to deal with sooner or later anyways. Seem's to me you already dealing with it by thinking about it. As do I. My child might not to be accepted to the Florida Gifted Program, and at this point- I am not even sure I let her attend it.(many more questions need to be explained first). Well let us know, how you decide, and how things go afterwards.
Sincerely, ClC