From what I've seen in our district, if you think a skip is the best thing, I would lean heavily toward skipping first. For our state, first grade is all about learning to read and there is less flexibility for accomodating a child who is way ahead. It was by far the hardest to keep DS engaged through. Second grade was much more adaptable and he had the best teacher ever for 2nd. Obviously a lot has to do with your school and district, so you might want to ask what a typical day looks like in both.

Personally, I was committed to DS not skipping first, because I had skipped first and always wondered what I had missed. Since I had missed it, I imagined that it must have been some kind of wonderland. LOL.

It was no wonderland, but DS did OK. Most of the reason we got through it is that the GT teacher rescued him a couple times a week and took him to play educational games with the gifted 4-5th graders--she said that was his natural peer group. I didn't quite get what that meant at the time....

As I've said before, I was blindsided into skipping first grade. I was not part of the process and I found it socially disruptive. All in all, I did not much care for it. So I would recommend you make sure your son is part of the process.