Originally Posted by master of none
Even though the principal holds the power and you need to please him, remember, he is not giving you a gift or reward here. He is there to make decisions for the good of the students and the school (and the district, board, politicians, etc). If your daughter did well on the split, then he should be pleased that she is thriving. If she needs a skip, he should be happy to let her continue to thrive. When you advocate try to keep him focused on this and not on his power or how hard his job will be if she skips, if the floodgates, are open, etc. He should make the decision on a case by case basis. Help him realize, he hasn't lost control of his school, instead, he is doing what's right.

So True!
Even though the 2nd teacher is 'nice' if she isn't going to do any more for your DD, then why should you accept that?
Are there anyother teachers availible? Nearby districts you can look at? One year of private school or homeschooling?

So many decisions!

I'd try to find the 'school motto' then what ever objections he raises, you say, 'Yes, but accorting to '-insert school motto here-' what's best for the child is....'

You are all on the same team, the 'what's best for the child team!'

Love and Good Luck,

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