Originally Posted by Mommy2myEm

You are so true. DD is one grade ahead her age, there are children 18 months older than she is in her class as well. Even with that said, I wonder if she is getting enough challenge? DD was tested individually in pre-K admission and was in the 99th percentile for everything except fine motor skills. In 3rd grade she was tested with her schools achievement tests and her cognitive readiness test was in the exceptional range (CSI 140 with a 141 ceiling) and her subject specific tests were in the gifted range. She will take the EXPLORE test in Jan. which I hope will give the school and us a way to discuss the future.


Hi Jeni -
I'm glad the Explore test is coming. Can you get into the next grade level up and sit in a classroom for a while? Check out the various teachers and see if you think any of them would be good for your daughter? How often does the gifted program meet? Will it mess up your daughters chances if she skips over the Holiday break?

Steps -
Observe Potential "Recieving Classrooms"
Get the Iowa Acceleration Scale Manual and fill it out. At this point she has enough data.
Write a WritteN letter to the Principle, with written copies to the Gifted Coordinator, teacher, requesting and evaluation for a grade skip. Include that you hope it can be done over the holiday transition, as lots of review takes place in January. Site the algebra worksheet as proof that she is being intimidated in the classroom, and that she isn't at her readiness level.

BTW - the fact that she is willing to go along with the louder girls can be a sign of strength - she is aware, and cares about the social aspect. It can also be a sign that she is not in a safe environment. Or Both, I suspect. Let's face it, if it were my son, he would be screaming and crying and the teachers would say he's acting immature and innapropriate and he wouldn't be reccomended for the gifted program - remember the book "Catch- 22?"

Best Wishes,

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