I think I understand some of my son's sensory issues better than my husband or the scout leaders because I think I have similar sensory issues when I have a migraine--at least the sensitivity to sound and lights and I have a hard time dealing with that. I am not fun to be around when I have one of these headaches. The pain medication makes the pain bearable but it does not take away the sensitivity to light and sound. I even get chills sometimes with my headaches like I did this morning and my son said he often gets chills. Just dealing with the low level pain and sensitivity makes me tired. It just takes away all my energy. There is no way I would want to be tent camping right now, so I think I understand how my son feels about it.

He gets really bad headaches when there is any change in the weather. There have been times when he started to get a headache and it didn't look like there were any weather changes but a few hours later, it started storming. We even have a dog that is sensitive to weather changes. I sometimes get headaches with weather changes too but I am not as sensitive as my son.

I can't imagine having to live with sensory issues all the time. I think the fact that he can learn as well as he does while compensating for these issues is amazing.

My son's half-brother is highly gifted and gets migraines but never had any coordination problems. I think all or most of my husband's side of the family are probably highly gifted. There are gifted people on my side of the family too but nobody on either side has ever had SPD that we know of. I still wonder what caused my son to have this when nobody else in the family has it.