At my new job I am shocked by how many children are sent to me for an OT evaluation with suspected SPD and then they turn out to be gifted. And often no one realizes they are gifted. I have, in just two months time, lost track of how many 4 year olds I've seen for assessment where the mom mentions things like he does math in his head or she's been reading since she was three or she talks like a little adult.....

Some of the kids I see DO have signs of SPD. They show low muscle tone or dyspraxia or problems with bilateral integration and coordination. But some of them are just on the end of the spectrum. Sort of out there - extreme sensitivity, quirks and unique sensory preferences, etc. I feel like I'm on a mission to help parents understand the "problems" in the context of the giftedness.

I'd like to see much more research on giftedness and SPD....I have some ideas....maybe someday.....