Originally Posted by CFK
But when I asked if DS could join up with that child I was told that DS would have to complete all the lessons (about 40 of them) in between to catch up. There is now way I'm going to sentence DS to weekends of utter boredom doing math lessons just to get to a point in the book that he already knows anyway. DS is completely disgruntled with the whole situation now.

CFK - I really think that even my outspoken boy was compliant and cooperative for years before starting to act out. I think they just have so much tolerance to insult and disrespect, and then "no more."

Is there anyway you can have him bring the Math book home and cheat? You type it for him? You type up a cheat sheet and he copies it? He does it but with the TV on? His brother take turns and do half of each sheet? make a party out of it in some way? Use a calculator?

Just wondering...

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