Currently I'm reading 'Delivered from Distraction' by Ed Hallowell published 2006. There is a great chapter on medications and dosages.

The level of Gifted Denial is off the charts, he just thinks that all people with ADD are smart, creative and have wonderful untapped resources if only they could dig them out. ((eye roll)) but still, the book is jam packed with wonderful information on 'how to have a good life' and 'challenges that intelligent people with ADD often face' paragraphs.

I've always suspected that 'something was wrong with me' because I can't do the simplest things that normally developing people seem to be able to do. My explaination switches every 5 years or so, and each time I think that I've finally found 'it.' LOL.

This time around, Giftedness, and the effects of growing up unidentified, unaccomdiated, and unthought about. And I'm quite sure that 'this is really it.' I suspect ADD trait because when I hang out with kids who are described as 'really extreame ADD' I dont' notice them as being a bit unusual. OK, there was one kid with ADHD who did seem odd to me as he hung off the chandelier, but in general, I had to wonder about myself when all these kids seem so 'normal' to me.

Bottom line is: Are you having a good life?

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