I think Ruf does generalize often. I'm sure it's a YMMV kind of thing. But my oldest, who is my son, is in general a pretty easy going kid. He follows rules at home no problem. He totally understands consequences. We don't discipline him much because we don't have to. But sitting in a classroom all day, he definitely had a much harder time sitting still, staying engaged, and not being disruptive. He probably wasn't in the top 3 behavioral problems in the class, but he certainly wasn't in the bottom half. But at home, I definitely consider him my easier kid. My daughter however, follows classroom rules to a fault at 4 (she directs other children to follow the rules too), but is definitely my "wild child" at home. She loves to push our buttons.

I had a younger brother. He was just like Ruf's younger brother. And I honestly think he was probably naturally smarter than me. Or at least he didn't have the OE's to overcome that I had. But he was totally underchallenged in school and it took him many adult years to develop any kind of work ethic.