Hmmm, Boo (5 y.o.)started reading signs, T-Shirts and short Bob-style books around 13 mos. old. She was reading Frog and Toad are Friends and other books by Arnold Lobel by the time she was 18 mos. and it just went from there.

At 16 mos. of age I noticed her adding and subtracting in quantities of up to 10. Now at 5 she's pretty good at math when she wants to be. I call it practical math. For example, when we are at the store and she wants to know if she has enough money to purchase something she can figure out the price, including sales tax, if she has enough money, how much more she will have to save up(or convince her brother to let her borrow) if she is short on cash, or how much she will have left over in her head in about a minute.

I can't tell if her brother, Racer (3 y.o.), is reading yet. He might be as he can tell me about books I have never read to him and I found him enthralled with a joke book the other day. He was muttering one of the punchlines to himself and giggling up a storm. I asked Boo if she had read it to him and she said, "He probably read it himself". He seems to be a strong visual-spatial learner. He can see a puzzle put together once and put it together on his own after that.

Although he generally requires knowing what the end product is supposed to look like first. His sister is quite similar in that regard but he has a knack for mechanical things and building. He always seems to know where something should go for maximum support/benefit/whathave you. His number sense is fairly strong, too.