One of the first things DD learned was letters. She had found a set of ABC block books and was obsessed with them. She would bring book after book to us to read and by 9 mths she knew all her letters and soon after the sounds they make. They say the average child in a middle class family is read to about 1000 hrs by the time they get into kindergarten and the lower income family by comparison read to the child about 25 hrs during the same time frame. My best friend brought that to my attention the last time we went to visit b/c she laughed and stated that DD has maxed out that 1000 hr mark already and she wasn't even 2 at that point. She was obsessed with books and the written word. She also has the ability to recite phrases back to you with no problems, my favorite story is three little pigs. She complained about wanting out of her carseat which got the response of not by the hair on my chinny chin chin. This brought a huge smile to her face with "Then I will hoof and I will poof and I will blow your house in said the wolf."

So with the memorization of phrases and quick pick up of ABCs I was not too shocked that sight words were next. We however have the child that doesn't really want to read and is more a sneaky reader and many a story on that one but through the examples that are numerous I know she is able to read but I really don't push it. When she is ready to sit down and read the book through then fine. But until that day comes I will let her be.

As for people's responses... I was on a trip visiting my best friend when she 'read' her first word to us so mouths dropped open and my friend was super excited that she witnessed it. Talking to another friend, competition raised it's ugly head since she has a daughter of the same age and I got a 'Oh she is memorizing which is the easiest form of reading' comment. Sure it is the beginning but she was also not even 2.

I now see signs that she is fully ready for phonics since her game here lately has been picking something in the room and sounding it out to then inform me what letter it starts with. So if she shows interest I might try phonics with her.