Belle, I get what you're saying and it's true, SPD doesn't have the most important autism hallmarks. There is strong verbal comprehension in these kids, they have social affiliation, eye contact, spontaneous displays of empathy. My son is so emotional and sensitive. He is acutely aware of what others are feeling and is sensitive to facial expressions. It's not autism, right? Interestingly, the Eides who wrote that book I'm reading even stated that there was a link between SPD and highly or profoundly gifted kids. They also said that 2E kids (gifted with issues) are more likely to be mis-labeled autistic than other kids. I don't really know what to make of that just yet because I'm still actually digesting everything that's happening.

I also remembered what was drilled into us in every science class, "A correlation does not equal a causation." so the fact that SPD occurs without autism does not escape me. I have been to every doctor in town. Excellent doctors, as a matter of fact. DS has seen three psychologists, two physicians, three OTs and a psychiatrist. Others have said that he seemed on the spectrum (teachers, assorted nosy types) and I kept asking the docs about the possibility. Every single one laughed off the suggestion that he might be on the spectrum and I still don't think he has high-functioning autism, asperger's or whatever. I now view my focus on how he didn't have autism as something that was holding me back from considering different treatments. The probiotics helped. You can call his disorder a pizza for all I care. It's getting better. LOL.