
I think that if hothousing doesn't feel right, can you get a bit of afterschooling going - 1) to get him used to the idea that he can work at challenging material
2) So you get an idea of what he is like as a learner, and can speak to this at any future meetings
3) to keep his love of learning going?

Personally, I love the idea of hothousing, because you are giving the schoolies a lot of credit to imagine that they will be able to see your child in a complicated way. I'm more in favor of presenting a simple, memorable story with a 'sound bite' type of bottom line. Just my sad life story. If they haven't started testing yet, you still have time.

Sad to say that one has to 'sell' there position to the school, and it certianly shouldn't be that way, but most people don't have much imagination, and are much more focused on a check list of 'have it/don't have it' skills. Sadly, the abstract thinking that my son was so impressive at, wasn't even on their radar screen. What impressive elementary school folks is mastery of skill like telling time, reading and math facts. Even 'reading comprehension' is measured in concrete ways: 'In paragraph 4, what color was the Father's Tie?'

I hope that helps, I would SO love to be wrong here. In the end, I still say: 'Trust your Gut' (just make sure your gut understand that the world isn't full of other Gifties.)

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