I just re-read my old post - and apologize - it's not very clear and I was mixing up concepts I think.

I guess my line of thinking is:

We learn to write English using the same models it seems. For example, when I was, they would start you out by making you write "cat, bat, rat" - so that you were learning words that sounded similar, were spelt in a similar way.

I used to be bilingual and speak German fluently - but I wasn't taught to write in German. I'm just wondering whether anyone else here learnt to write a foregin language at 5 - and what type of exercises you did, or give your children to do now to learn a foreign language?

Do German people have words like "cat, bat, rat" that they give their children to write?

Do French people have words that little kids learn that rhyme - the same way British/American people do?

What do Asian folks do? Or people learning Russian? etc.

Does anyone use foreign language resources to teach thier kids a 2nd languge that theya re fond of?

We used to have one called "Heine und Hane" about a little girl and boy where you would cut and paste German words onto these worksheets.