I've heard of 18 yr olds self-medicating with the soda. DS6 likes coffee with Splenda. Make it sweet enough - he'll drink it. Also we've tried Chocolate Velvet coffee.

The downside is of course, you don't want them to get a coffee addiction - where they act weird without the coffee - so we certainly aren't "over doing" it.

The Omegas seem to work. He's only had about 53g of EPA in the current. We've been told to up it to 200g EPA - and the EPA is the part you need to look at.

I'll report back if I see some improvements. I've started taking 2000 mg of Omega Fish Oil myself and so far feel loads better. I think sleep deprivation and stress caused a lot of my previous symptoms - but now that I suspect my own giftedness and ADHD too - I figured I should try to cure myself too - as I was getting very forgetful, having trouble concentratining - but then - I have other medical issues that bring these symptoms with them - so its hard to separate them out sometimes.