Yes. About 2 cups seems to work for DS6 - and helps him for about half a day. Or half a bottle of non-sugar Mountain Dew. I used to give him a couple of sips - afriad he would bounce off walls - and concluded that it "didn't do anything". I didn't give him enough.

I did confirm the caffeine thing with the pscyhologist before trying it. I try not to post "any old opinion" on these boards -because there is no much rubbish out on chat boards in general. We need to try extra hard to keep integrity on this one! If your son is bouncing he probably does not have ADHD - but I said coffee - NOT expresso (!) (Kidding). That's probably a good thing. Besides - I thought we'd already concluded on previous chats that your son's Basal Ganglia (sp) was being affected by his infection? So sounded like you already had the science on that one. In addition - I don't recommend anyone just try coffee to come up with their own diagnosis. It's just something a parent an do if they SUSPECT ADHD and want to test their theory before getting proper medical advice on it. After all - medical tests are often not covered by insurance - so maybe you want to be pretty darn sure before paying for the doctor.

If anyone finds anything reliable on the net about caffeine though - please do post!