Yes, dairy makes DS6 act nuts! We'll have trace dairy in packaged goods and the occasional buttery cookies but milk, cheese, ice cream and yogurt are out. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the wilbarger protocol demonstrated online but it might be on youtube. Have you checked out websites like these?

I don't trip over the sensory issues stuff. Everyone has sensory issues. It's just that in certain kids, they're a little more intense or the kid is just an intense person and reacts strongly. People grow out of it. I would try to identify though, whether it seems to be visual or auditory stimulation that excites your child. For example, I've noticed that when it's quiet, my son behaves. So, he does well out in nature and in generally quiet environments like montessori. He does badly in large stores or crowds. A big auditory experience will overload his system and he'll misbehave for days. Putting stuff in the mouth could be a tactile seeking behavior. You could buy her a water bottle with a straw to replace that or provide some other appropriate fidget. The Wilbarger helps with tactile stuff.