I visited several kindergarten class rooms this winter in different districts. This was a big eye opener for me and I would suggest it to anyone struggling with GT denial.

It seems like the kindergarten curriculum would be really inappropriate for DD4, beyond what we can reasonably expect her to sit through.

DH now wants to move home near his mom and the school he went to. His thinking is that there are more options closer to the city. His idea; Early entrance in a half day language immersion program. This way she would still learn something, the new language, and would have a larger pool of slightly older peers to draw from. She really wants to find a best friend someday.

I think she would like the language immersion program. She is very motivated to learn a new language and has exhausted what we can teach her at home. My concern is that she would be ready to move on half way through the year again and would start being silly and too talkative, which is interpreted as immature.

There also are a lot of things we like about her current preschool. Everyone there knows her and she likes the teacher. K at her current school would not be an option for the fall because it is a full day program and we don't feel she is ready to be gone all day.

Anyone have any experience with language immersion, or early entrance? What all is involved in this process? Will the school do free testing? How do I find out what testing they will do and will we be given the results? What do you guys think? I talked to someone from the district and they are sending us some paper work to fill out. If DD has to be tested should we let the school do it or take her to someone who is expensive, but well known and near by. Is there any research on GT kids and language immersion. I have a lot of questions and am not sure where to go from here.