I've been recently trying to get Miss 7 to take responsibility for her own practice (eek!) After her weekly lesson, I write up a chart with all the things she needs to practice with a convenient little check box next to it. Once I hear that she's checked everything off the list, I sign off on her practice - the same way as I do for her homework at school. The extra incentive I've used to get into this habit is pocket-money. If she does her practice 6 times a week, she gets $6 on Sunday (she has to give $1 for charity). What I've found is that the more she practices, the more she enjoys playing! If she misses a practice session during the week, she almost always does double on the weekend to make up for it. I've also been taking her down to the nursing home to play for her great-grandmother which has been our version of having a "concert". And I gotta say, this has really worked for us. And for Miss 4 too. I hope that the link between piano and pocket-money wont last long. It feels like too much of a "carrot" to me, but it's certainly helped us get into the routine of practising. And has encouraged Miss 7 to do her practice before school rather than leaving it to the last minute... jojo