Originally Posted by ziggy
We recently started cyber schooling and he *asks* if he can go ahead and practice early in the day, which blows me away! I really think when he was in PS he didn't get home until 4, had to do homework, eat dinner, practice...he didn't feel like he had any free time. Now that he's schooling at home, he seems to realize he has that extra time. I know how frustrating it can feel though. Hopefully you can hang in there and his interest will pick up again!

We've had a similar experience with homeschooling. DS has just exploded in his piano ability homeschooling this year. He regularly practices for 45-60 minutes a day and won all sorts of awards and accolades this year. He just has more energy and interest.

I think it is hard for young kids sitting in school all day to want to come home and work at the piano. Last year was definitely a harder year for us with the bad school year on top of it. So you totally have my sympathy crisc!