My son was similar at age four but I didn't put him in preschool because he had been reading since 2 1/2 and didn't like to color or do crafts and I thought his slight motor delays and hypotonia might put him at risk for being hurt on the playground. He was never aggressive and he rarely threw temper tantrums when he was angry because he could talk things out and we could reason with him. He was never impulsive. He thought before he did anything, in fact he would sometimes sit and do nothing and he would tell me he was just thinking and I thought it was a little odd that a four year old could just sit and think when he could be out playing. But he would also get excessively silly sometimes and acted more like a child with ADHD, especially if he had anything with Red Dye #40. He loved acting things out and he told us he wanted to do musical theater at age 4 so that is the one thing we had him in at that age and he loved it.

When he started half-day Kindergarten at age 5 he did not have behavior problems at school, but I could tell it took a lot out of him and I knew he would have trouble handling a full day because of his sensory issues. He needed to be able to move and take frequent breaks and have frequent snacks and challenging learning materials to learn well and our public school does not allow this so we were told by the principal, teachers, and later the superintendent, that we needed to homeschool.

A lot of people liked my son's sense of humor, especially his older gifted friends, but there were some people who didn't. It was usually those people who think children should be seen and not heard and I tried to limit our time around those people.

I never found any other kids like mine and no books that were really that helpful. I really feel very lucky to have a kid with such a great sense of humor. At 10, his humor is more sophisticated and he is able to make jokes to fit his intended audience. He told me he noticed that his sister prefers the jokes he makes using popular culture references and that I like the ones using history and science or educational references. Sometimes he tickles my funny bone so much that my sides start hurting and I have to tell him to stop talking because he is on a roll and everything that comes out of his mouth is funny. Sometimes it is almost like torture by tickling.

My son didn't learn until Kindergarten that there are people who would not like him because he was too smart. I can understand why a child might say he doesn't want to be a smart kid.