hi and welcome!

We have had a similar experience with our DS9. We had him tested at age 5 and were extremely surprised to get the results that he was a "bright" boy but not really "gifted" WE put him kindergarten and had to pull him out by the second half of grade 2 because he was just too "different" and was having behavior issues.

We are presently homeschooling him because he's at least 3 "grade" levels beyond his age and by all appearances quite gifted.

So - as many other posters have mentioned here, testing is just a snapshot in time and many factors play in the result that you are given at that moment.

You are his parent. You know who he is and if your gut tells you the results you were given don't add up - trust yourself and your child.

I will have to say that I'm nervous about testing again because of our first experience and also at this point "knowing" an IQ wouldn't make any difference to our educational path. But that's just us!


Last edited by Barbara; 04/04/09 10:19 AM.