Thank you, thank you Dottie! You are a wealth of knowledge. I so appreciate the information.

Re. the school situation--it seems there is little ability grouping until high school in our district. This is the problem as I see it. He is kind of stuck in a track based solely on age, not ability. I am not opposed to homeschooling until high school if necessary, but it makes me kind of sad that he needs to choose between an education that fits him and friends.

Since there is no gifted program at all, I feel we have fewer options. The school seems very reluctant to accelerate him a full grade, worried that he will not fit in socially. (I guess I don't need to say it's hard to "fit in" with Aspbergers anyway since social cues are not his strong point.)

I don't want to throw him into an uncomfortable place dealing with kids a year older but I honestly think most of the 7th grade pre-teen angst will go over his head anyway.

I guess I should move this post to another topic area to continue this train of thought.

Thank you for all your help!