Ok--here's his EXPLORE scores--he's 9 and currently in 4th grade.

Composite: 19 (90%)
English: 22 (96%)
usage/mechanics: 10 (93%)
rhetorical: 11 (99%)
Mathmatics: 17 (75%)
Reading: 18 (88%)
Science: 20 (94%)

I understand that this looks good compared to the 8th grade norms but not sure of how this compares to his grade. Our district does have a special gifted program for the upper 2% that he didn't test into last year but now he seems so bored at school and is starting to have trouble--not turning in assignments, sloppy work to get done fast to go play/read, reading under his desk, etc.)

If it helps here's his CogAT scores from the beginning of 3rd grade:
Composite: 135
Verbal: 134
Quantitative: 134
Nonverbal: 121

My overall impression/guess is that he's probably moderately gifted but not profoundly which I think is what the special gifted program is for. He's one of those kids who is great at learning facts but doesn't have the natural creativity as to how to apply those facts. But I really don't know! I have nothing to compare him to. That's how I'm hoping you all can help me!

Thanks again!