Hi Mary!
Great to have you back!
((waving wildly))
I love hearing about your DD.
I think looking words up in a dictionary isn't the way to spark love of learning and trust in adults. Here's a link to the kinds of skills the tutor should be stressing:

Tell the tutor you want her as high up on Blooms Taxonomy as she'll go.

Remember the Tin Man - when his joints got oiled, he creeked. I do believe that we Adults have a responsibility to give a "Balanced Push" to our little fakers and underachievers, and yes there will be a loud creeky noise (tears and tantrums) when the mental joints start moving.

So plan for the Tanturms, fix dinner way ahead, get a playdate or special book for DS, have plenty of time for the big scene, ok?

((thumbs up!!))
You can do it. Fix yourself a treat for "afterwards." You are going to need it.

And yes, we went through this personally, and it's made a huge difference! Pass the hot chocolate, ok?

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com