DD13 has been like this since maybe 3rd grade. (or it could have been before that). She is afraid to talk to me about stuff, especially illness. For instance, if she ever seems warm when I brush against her arm, I might just say something like "are you feeling alright" and she will give a giant response of "yes yes yes I am completely fine" even if she is not. She has not missed a day of school for a long time,(for 6 or so years) because she is afraid to tell me about when she is feeling bad. For instance, she has been quite ill before (possibly the flu) with full symptoms (that she very badly hid). But she never tells and once I dragged her to the doctor (she was extremely resistant, started crying, and was a nervous wreck) to find out that she had a very high fever, among other things. Why would she want to hide this? I don't know if this is just something strange or if it might be some kind of mental disorder. Well, long post, sorry.

Last edited by Bassetlover; 03/31/09 03:16 PM.