Has anyone used "Therapeutic Listening" for their sensory kids? I am not sure what the right fit for my almost 4-yr old DS is. I just recently read about the Alert Program as well. Any thoughts? I was going to an OT (left because my DS needed a break from stress and being 'forced' to do things in his former pre-school, and nightmares from 3 new unruly, bullies in the class) and want to go back to her because DS gets along with her; but if he needs a different therapy than she can provide or is certified, I may need to go elsewhere. DS gets very stressed in chaotic inside environments (although screaming and yelling and playing outside is fun for him). He has picky eating and is very frustrated when there are unruly, impolite kids. He was more overly-excitable before I changed his diet to gluten free/dairy free (allergic to both). Now he is more calm; but we still need to help him when he gets overly hungry or tired to control himself. DS has a speech delay (but is speaking in sentences - just not good articulation); so we believe he is frustrated as well because he does't have the words sometimes to express himself. His mind tends to run so fast that he tends to run words together and that is frustrating for him as well. Thanks!

Mom to DS6