Originally Posted by Ania
He needs to want it, even little, not you.
Once this is acomplished, I believe that self teaching guitar is what MAJORITY of guitar players do and did. Unless you are thinking abut a classical guitar. Let him try. Especially since it looks like your DH plays.

The thing is that he does want to play the guitar, he just doesn't want to have lessons. He has this idea that it's like Guitar Hero and that since he's doing great at that, the real thing will be just as easy. I think exposure to different things is great and if there were something else he wanted to do, I'd look into it. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a lot of extracurricular interests. Maybe he's just not motivated or hasn't found THE thing(s) that really clicks for him. If he's not going to help me on this, then I kinda have to step in and provide some opportunities.

There's certainly no harm in letting him try it out and see what he does with it, except what others have mentioned about bad habits, if he finds that he's really into it. I just see a pattern forming of DS not wanting 'instruction' from anyone or thinking that he can learn whatever he wants on his own....perhaps he can, but I'd hate for him to think that there's nothing to be learned from anyone else. This is probably the bigger issue for me.