Are you HS'ing Hkc75 or sending to public/private? Not to be negative - but DS6, birthday also in January has been in SO much trouble all year in K that I almost regret sending him at all and am seriously thinking about keeping him home with private tutor and 2 parents working with him when possible (we both work). I thought he would "calm down" and not stick out like a sore thumb compared to other boys - boy was I wrong !!! Suspension after suspension - 3 total. I think he's had 12 office referrals and 8 bus referrals to date. School even sent him to the Office of Student Conduct before I knew what was happening! There is still no 504 or IEP for him - and we don't have GIEP officialy in VA either. Just want to warn parents that it can escalate to absolutely drastic situation in NO TIME at all and catch you off guard!! Also want to emphasize that we reached the point of testing this month with the ridiculous situation of almost wanting a "diagnosis" of ADHD or something else - regardless of whether or not it's real - just to protect him in school. In addition - facing ridiculous situation before testing and diagnosis came in of being told by special ed council that they didn't even suspect disability because he is so good at school work/intellectually. Therefore - they felt they didn't ahve to test for anything unless we came back with a diagnosis. Still not clear legally on wehther they have to have a diagnosis first or whether they were just holding off to suit themselves/save money etc. This left us with the option of FBA (Functional Beahvior Assessment) and BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan). I want to emphasise that the psychologist at school was scheduled to be there 11 days out of the month - 4 of which DS6 was suspended - then she was out sick. We got the FBA about a week ago. We are still waiting on the BIP. It's more than half way through the year. You know the situation will drag on at their pace - too slow!!

Furthermore, it means we now have to argue case for 2E very strongly -because they can almost use the fact that he achieves above average in the actual school work - and therefore has no learing disability -against us. That's what they did when we first met about 3 weeks ago. I am the world's biggest ADHD skeptic - so I'm really having to learn a great deal about all the "spectrum disorders" as they like to call them to deal with the diagnosis. A main concern - ADHD and alpha brain waves - where ADHD kids spend thier time, is I believe also where a genius spends their time / Alpha.

I am just so glad that I investigated giftedness first and was on the look out for 2E. Any child that's lively in my opinion, and clearly gifted enough to have a parent writing about them on this blog is in danger of the same thing happening.

Sorry if I've hit too many "issues" in one post - but really - it's been overwhelming and I would like to save any parent what we've gone through in the last 3 months alone.

Short answer - how are you going to send her to school - maybe don't?!!

Last edited by IronMom; 03/10/09 02:00 PM. Reason: Typo ! I really should spell check first !