Hi there. I posted this question on another board, and thought I'd try here too. My daughter is going through the second phase of gifted testing at her public school. Her scores on the initial SAGES-2 testing were: 131 reasoning (98%), 124 math/science (95%) 137 language (99%). My question is this. Does a child have to score above the 98% in every area to be considered gifted? We must wait until the end of the school year to find out if she makes it into the program. However, I have been offerred a position at a private school that she would also attend if she doesn't get into the program at her current school. Unfortunately, it's not financially feasible for me to accept the job at the private school unless she is able to go because tution will be free. Also, for those whose children may have taken the SAGES as a pre-screening method for the gifted program, did the Sages results correspond with other results your child received? I know my girl is really bright and gifted in reading (she recently tested at an 8th grade level). She also did really well on the Stanford Test she took in kindergarten. However, I'm not really sure if she wil be considered gifted by the school system.

Any help you can lend will be appreciated.