Good point. The grades are not a reflection of the challenge. I've learned that grades don't seem to reflect much of anything that is truly meaningful.

Anyway, we *do* do all the enrichment and exploration stuff at home. Son chooses to do math puzzle and game books at home. Last night I had to make him take a break in one so that he could get his "real" homework done. But I had to promise him that he could go back to the book once he had done the school assignment. I ended up having to make him stop that book *again* to go to bed (finally). I don't have any problem doing this with him at home. But our problem is that he is showing signs of being bored at school again. He is saying he doesn't want to go. I know it's because he doesn't enjoy it. There's very little there that is energizing or interesting. And if he ONLY gets that energizing and interesting stuff at home, then school will continue to be unbearable for him. And we just cannot homeschool at this time in our lives. We really need to make public school work.

So, I've started reviewing Developing Math Talent about curriculum enrichment. I'm going to use the teacher conferences to just gain info on what is being done in class - it's not the place or time to ask for accomodations. But after that I can ask for a meeting to see about differentiation. I'm sure there are a few others in the class who are bored with the Saxon stuff, as well. If I can get them to do it for a group I think that would be better for my son AND the teacher. I'll keep you posted on what we are able to do.

Last edited by dajohnson60; 10/25/07 09:08 AM.