You might not get (or need) an IEP. We have a similar situation with our ds, and he has a 504 plan.

A 504 plan is part of the Americans with Disabilities act. You ds has a diagnosed disability (dysgraphia), and you're asking for accomodations. My ds gets lines to write on, extended time on written assignments, compressed assignments (the rest of the class might have to rewrite 5 sentences but he only has to do 3), partial notes (fill-in the blanks rather than write everything), the ability to type long assignments, and occupational therapy. You might want to ask for any or all of those PLUS assistive technology. Assistive technology is a word processor (our sd uses alphasmart). The alphasmarts are provided by the school system. My ds doesn't have one, but I know other kids who do. Alphasmarts can't communicate with the Internet, so not plagerism worries there. They can have applications installed to help with spelling and word prediction.

The 504 plan is supposed to "level the playing field" for people with disabilities, not for giving kids an unfair advantage. Your child already has an unfair disadvantage, and you're just asking for compensation for his disability.

Try asking about 504's and see if the school is more receptive. If not, you may need an advocate or a lawyer to get them to toe the line.