Originally Posted by zaichiki
Dd came home from the first testing session and told me, with a mischievous grin, that she had "tricked" (dd's word) the tester. Dd said that the tester was showing her pictures of things and dd was supposed to match them (or was it 3 out of 4) according to shared characteristics. She told me that she was choosing all the "shiny" or "pretty" pictures instead of the things that "went together."
...What do you think? I have no idea, but I would love to hear your take on this.

Hi Kate,
I think that DD found that part of the test 'too easy' and wanted to make it more interesting. A bit scary that the tester didn't seem familar with this common behavior amoung gifted kids, especially the young ones. Sometimes kids just won't 'play the game' enough to score well, and this can be very frustrating if the scores are needed for placement in a program that the parents suspect might be useful.

LOG, level of giftedness means that there are plenty of professional, in schools and in offices that have very strong experience with MG (moderatly gifted) kids but not much experience with HG or PG kids. Because of the shape of the tail of the Bell curve, a huge majority of Gifted Kids are pretty close to the cut of line between 'identified gifted' and 'not' - no matter where the line is placed! LOG is sort of easy to ignore when your tools work well for 70% to 85% of the gifted kids one interacts with, and it's easy to just blame the rest for being 'difficult' instead of looking at one's tools and searching for something more. But I think that the tide is changing. Instead of only noticing 'MG' and 'prodigies' I think that there is slowly starting to be an awareness of the range and variety of giftedness.

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