Ditto, especially the CogAt.

Hey, Gratified, congrats to DS on DYS!

I really dislike the fact that group screener cognitive ability tests are seen as the end all be all for some gifted programs.

I guess it's a good place to start, but, I really don't like how just missing a few questions can really bring that score down.

My daughter topped out at 150 on the CogAt and I still think it's a flimsy eval. I should be singin' it's praises, right? wink

My other daughter is about as out of the box as you can get. I can't WAIT til she takes the CogAt(heavy sarcasm)

I'll get back to you on that one........ grin

I mean, you don't want to put your kid under a microscope or anything, but, you need more than one test to see a real pattern.

What about having DS7 take the Wisc and taking care of DS4 a little later down the road?