Originally Posted by inky
A very encouraging update and good job getting all this set up ahead of time!

Originally Posted by spg
They also mentioned that we could choose to do half-days and just send DS for the non-academic stuff.
This will be nice to have in your back pocket if you need it.

Originally Posted by spg
Another thing that i'm thinking in the back of my mind is that if we get through kindy ok (if he can get good and socialized), maybe DS can skip over to the 2-6 grade school for the next year where there are more opportunities for joining classes at his level.

Sounds like a smart plan.

I agree with everything inky wrote and apologize for blathering on about my DD in a previous post. I went on a tangent and never quite got back on track. I always wonder about "socialization", even in a play-based setting. Questions like: will the child go underground to fit in, etc? flitter through my mind.

I have to keep reminding myself, it isn't that the cup is half full or half empty. I need to be grateful that the cup *exists*!