Mia - have you been to www.bravewriter.com? SHe outlines the phases a writer goes through. By him dictating to you, you are helping him to learn to organize his thoughts independent of him having to write it himself. That's a huge step!

What some suggest is a digital voice recorder. He can record his thoughts and then write/type them up himself as a bridge to being able to write/type from this thoughts.

My DS will give me THE best story. the minute he sees me writing, it becomes stilted, abbreviated, and uninteresting. He over thinks it. If he tries to write his own thoughts, it's very abbreviated b/c he doesn't like the physical act of handwriting. Now the other day he wrote for over an hour about a character for game lol.

I think there might be something to copywork and dictation in helping kids to hold thoughts in their head and write them down followed by re-writing fables and short stories in their own words. They are not focused on content b/c the content is in the story already, they are focused on managing their thoughts and getting them on paper.

I have the same issue w/ my DS. He knows so much information but won't put it down on paper. Unfortunately school is usually product-oriented.