On Friday, DD8 brings her 4th grade interim report home. Purpose is (I think) to alert parents of any potential issues, introduce areas that are improving and what needs to be worked on. DD had the following comments on hers (not verbatim): offers meaningful comments during discussions, able to focus when topic is interesting but lacks focus when not interested. Tends to daydream during class and not utilize time properly. Lacks self control when working in large groups or transition periods from one class to another.

Am I reading too much into these comments to be concerned? So far DD says school is easy, not challenging and she only enjoys science. This "lack of focus" sounds like lack of challenge, as DD and I can sit down and complete an entire lesson of challenge math without any breaks. Or she can read 40-50 pages quietly and able to paraphrase it to me. How should I approach this with DD and with her teacher? Our conference with her teacher is going to be in Nov. Not sure if I should let this go until then now that she has brought these issues up.
