Originally Posted by Val
Short of another Sputnik scare, which might only help gifted kids for a limited time, I'm not convinced that anything will change substantially until a lot of people stand together.

Why do we expect this nation or any other nation to support GT kids, when they will be economically exploited and then used as whipping boys when the politicans' stupidity catches up with them? The same people who will cut the kids down for being brilliant when kids, will attack them for doing something valuable and hence becoming successful when they grow up under the guise of "fairness." People are content to have a landscaper with an IQ of 200, but scream bloody murder when his daughter makes 2 million a year.

This country has a much deeper problem that prevents it from addressing the needs of the gifted and which prevents all indviduals from being successful. The nation needs to reevaluate what it means to be tolerant and supportive of individual choices and differences - beyond just the superficially obvious differences. This deepset prejudice against success diminishes us all.