We're about to have our second GIEP meeting. At the last meeting we didn't approve the GIEP, but we did ask for additional PLEP testing and we emphasized that we were more concerned with the day-to-day activities. Put another way: we are happy that DS will be in a pull out program but we're more concerned with the work that he's doing daily.

After a couple of requests, we've gotten a copy of the GIEP that we will talk about on Thursday.

The issued a G-MADE 2A test where we got a 73% and a QRI-3 where he apparently has been tested to have a first grade reading level and a second-third grade guided reading level. I haven't looked the GIEP yet, but this is what DW relayed to me over the phone. The only change to implementation is along the line of "give [DS] additional logical and math challenges."

I'm frustrated with this situation. First, this just doesn't add up. His favorite books are chapter books like Dragon's Slayer Academy. And after reading DSA he can tell you exactly what happened (we do spot quizzes every now and then). For the math I just don't get it.

So now, according to the school's PLEP, he's basically on par with first grade. Not to mention that we have the typical nebulous goals that aren't measurable but essentially what the school is saying is that he's at the right level.

I have no idea what we're going to do. I do know I'm pretty frustrated with the whole situation. It took 6 weeks to get a second appointment and either I'm crazy (and DS is a typical first grader) or I'm sane yet somehow when the school tests his achievement we get completely different (erroneous) results.
