Originally Posted by ebeth
I think this is a wonderful idea, Grinity. I don't post very often right now, but I would love to see how this discussion unfolds. The link from SENG that Lori posted fits me to a tee, and it definitely puts a strain on a marriage. I would love to hear how other people handle this.

I read that SENG article a few months ago.

This is a big issue for DW and I.

DW and I have had some friction over me just doing everything. It makes her feel not needed and useless. And I sometimes resent "having to do everything." Her job is much more high profile and stressful so I tend to want to jump in to help. With Mr W added to picture, we just slid into this.

But we now realize its not healthy in the long term.

Our solution is to alternate days on who does tasks around the home (cooking/laundry/getting Mr W) as well as divvy up the longer term tasks such as vacation planning. We use one morning a week as a "clean the house" day. We also talk over "the plan" every morning. I have to resist the urge to "help" and just go read a book or workout and let her do things at her own pace. Sometimes, she cannot meet her commitments due to work issues and I gladly step in. Some nights we cook together, too.