Originally Posted by oneisenough
Now, there is another preschool I like, which is just not quite as nice, but is really very good still. They do absolutely no learning. They do have circle time, but it is all singing and games. Also the children do not have to attend circle time, but they are encouraged to. The first preschool they have to attend circle time.

I would rather send her to the first preschool, but only if the ciricle time component is not going to be a problem.

Hi Onsie,
I don't think that you are making a big deal out of nothing. Ask the teachers at the preschool what they would do if your daughter started feeling left out or uncomfortable. I really don't like the type of school that has that 'have to' attitude, like they know what children need and have a big developmental chart in their heads that they kids MUST dance to or 'forget it.'

Personally, the 'almost as good' preschool with the humbler attitude sounds better to me. Do you really want DD to 'get' that other kids 'don't know stuff' at age 3? 15 minutes of feeling like an alien would be hard on me....some kids are flexible enough to handle it, but, why go there?


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