So, we enrolled dd in a preschool that looks wonderful and gets the best reviews in terms of playbased preschools in our city. We were very lucky to get her in there as a lot of people put their name down when they find out they are pregnant! I am very happy with our choice and I think dd will love it.

My only concern (and I don't know if it should be a concern or not) is circle time. They learn one letter a week (!!??), and they learn colours, numbers, opposites, emotions...those sorts of things. Dd knows those things already.

Now, there is another preschool I like, which is just not quite as nice, but is really very good still. They do absolutely no learning. They do have circle time, but it is all singing and games. Also the children do not have to attend circle time, but they are encouraged to. The first preschool they have to attend circle time.

Is that relatively small amount of time (15-20 minutes) going to be a problem? I think she will be fine sitting for circle time and she will participate in singing etc, but after reading a couple of other thread here I am just concerned that she will be bothered by the curriculum. I don't want her to feel like she is beign treated like a baby (although she did make me awaddle her and give her a soother this morning! haha yes she is 2 and has never used a soother!). I also don't want her to get an idea that 2/3 year olds are not supposed to be able to identifify their letters/colours, let alone read books.

I would rather send her to the first preschool, but only if the ciricle time component is not going to be a problem.

Hmmm What do you think? Am I making a big deal out of nothing? I tend to do that!