Hi folks, just wondering about these test results for ds8...not as 'hoped', but not entirely unexpected as I have been seeing more and more on tests he is moving away from 'looking' gt and more towards 'completely not to be understood'. smile

Just some quick background -
Stanford Diag. Math test in 1st where he got a very high (maybe perfect, iirc) score in 'concepts' and a 3 out of 20 in computation...I was told not to worry about it.
K-bit in 2nd where he got verbal - 95th percentile, math - 87th percentile. He was able to get into the k-3rd gt program with these scores and some additional work samples, plus his reading was about 2.5 years above grade, per some testing done in 2nd.

He took a SCAT in the fall this year, I'll have to dig up those scores, but again verbal ahead of math, verbal was very solid but not quite qualifying for most jhu-cty programs. These scores were a little confusing as it seemed his verbal percentile might be way off the %95th for age/grade, but I figured maybe I was just interpreting it incorrectly. Anyway, it made me think ok maybe he's more verbal than I thought, always thought he was mathy or at least very visual/puzzle whiz/patterny.

I am ok with all of this, even his not being in the school gt program for next year, but I really think he would benefit from it and does seem to really really love it and is doing well in the 3rd grade program.

Next year's program eligibility relies partly on the CogAT and Naglieri scores, just received, not ideal...

Naglieri: 114, broken out: Pattern completion: 6/6, Reasoning by Analogy: 6/10, Serial Reasoning: 5/8, Spatial Visualization, 6/14. Seems like he was just going downhill there... smile
A respectable score, just not immediately qualifying him for this program, I think they need to see 130. (98th percentile)

Cogat (at least this shows a number attempted)
area....number....number attmptd...number correct...Percntl
verb....65........61 ................52.............73
Qnt.....60........36 (???)...........30.............35

comp: 64%ile

Although I was hoping for higher scores in nonverbal and on the Nag., the proportions seem to fit my ds as I have always understood him.

I am still interested in his trying for the gt program for next year (they won't really decide until May) so I will get with the school to see about more testing, possibly address the massive 'off' score in Quantitative with something untimed.
They might not do more testing this year, however. At least I have more of a leg to stand on for the ld investigation, maybe? Hm.

Suggestions? Interpretations?

My pendulum is swinging between complete confusion, and 'ok, these are screening tests, and not necessarily a real picture of ds' ability', etc.

PS, he just got straight A's for this grading period, including math (geometry, of course!)


Last edited by chris1234; 02/03/09 05:53 PM.