Originally Posted by chris1234
She asked him to explain about Yu-Gi-Oh, his current favorite game/subject. He started talking about Yugioh in relation to some other similar card games, and it seemed to me that he did take a bit of a pendantic tone, but that is not how he normally speaks with me, nor with most other kids. He had the same tone the other day when he was explaining yugioh to one of his cousins, I asked him to be a little nicer and he adjusted his tone pretty easily.

Hi Chris ((hugs))
Now you know why I get so worked up about 'only' letting one of the 'top 12 in the Country' type doctors check out our kids. If a person didn't 'know' these kids, well yeah, they do look weird when they start talking about Yugioh Cards! I've seen my son and his friends do this while driving to and from playdates, and I can tell you that it really does sound like they are talking a different langugae, fast and totally mysterious! And when DS tries to explain World or Warcraft, or Yugioh,(usually Magic the Gathering now) to me or DH, yeah, it gets pedantic. It is really complicated stuff.

For what it's worth.
A) I don't think she is 'prepping you' for an Asperger's DX
B) I think it stinks that she talked about the social stuff without putting it into LOG context.
C) She's way off base around the CAPD

So yeah, If it were up to me, I would refund you your time, your money, and your fears.

sadly - 'In General' different specialist 'DO' different diagnosises. Audiologist DO CAPD. Dev Peds DO Auspergers. Occupational Therapist 'DO' sensory integration, Dentist 'DO' cavities and gum disease, and will sometimes send you to a ENT to check for sinus infections.

In General - When all you have is a hammer, every problem tends to look like a nail, yes?

Keep pursuing that CAPD! Maybe at a different office though....

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